SBS Approval

Standard Business Sponsorship (SBS) approval is a formal authorization granted by the Australian government to businesses that wish to sponsor foreign workers for temporary skilled visas, such as the Subclass 482 (Temporary Skill Shortage) visa or the Subclass 494 (Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional) visa. This approval is essential for employers who want to bring skilled workers from overseas to fill positions that cannot be filled by the local workforce.

Key Aspects of Standard Business Sponsorship (SBS) Approval:

1. Eligibility Requirements for Employers:

The business must be legally established and operating in Australia.

The business must demonstrate a genuine need to employ foreign workers to fill positions that cannot be filled by Australian citizens or permanent residents.

The business must have a good record of compliance with Australian laws, particularly workplace and immigration laws.

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Obligations of Approved Sponsors:

• Training Requirement : The business must meet training benchmarks, showing that it contributes to the training of Australian workers. This could involve investing in training for Australian employees or paying into an industry training fund.

• Fair Work Conditions : The business must ensure that the terms and conditions of employment for sponsored workers are equivalent to those offered to Australian employees doing the same work.

• Monitoring and Reporting : The business must comply with monitoring requirements and report certain events to the Department of Home Affairs, such as changes in the sponsored worker’s employment or breaches of visa conditions.

• Ongoing Obligations : The business must continue to meet its sponsorship obligations throughout the duration of the sponsorship, including cooperating with any compliance audits.

Duration of Sponsorship Approval:

Standard Business Sponsorship approval is generally granted for 5 years, during which the business can sponsor eligible foreign workers.

Applying for SBS Approval:

• Application Process : Businesses must submit an application to the Department of Home Affairs, providing evidence that they meet the requirements for sponsorship.

• AssessmentThe application will be assessed to ensure that the business is genuine, financially sound, and capable of meeting its sponsorship obligations.

Benefits of SBS Approval:

• Access to Skilled Workers : Businesses can legally sponsor and employ skilled workers from overseas, helping to fill critical skill shortages.

• Flexibility : Once approved, businesses can sponsor multiple workers as needed, without needing to reapply for each individual case (though each nomination requires approval).

Why SBS Approval is Important:

• Skilled Workforce : It enables businesses to address skill shortages by hiring from a global talent pool.

• Economic Growth : By bringing in skilled workers, businesses can enhance productivity and contribute to the growth of the Australian economy.

• Regulatory Compliance : It ensures that the employment of foreign workers is regulated and that their rights are protected under Australian law.

Obtaining Standard Business Sponsorship approval is the first step for any business in Australia that wants to sponsor skilled workers from overseas. It ensures that the business can legally engage in sponsoring activities while meeting its obligations under Australian immigration law.