Subclass 407

Subclass 407, known as the Training Visa, is an Australian temporary visa that allows individuals to come to Australia to participate in occupational training activities or professional development programs. This visa is designed for those who need to develop skills for their job, area of tertiary study, or field of expertise.


Occupational Training for Registration:

    • For individuals who need to complete a workplace-based training program to meet registration or licensing requirements in their field, either in Australia or in their home country.

Occupational Training to Enhance Skills:

    • For those who need structured workplace-based training to enhance their skills in an eligible occupation. This stream is often used for those looking to gain experience in their field of work.

Occupational Training for Capacity Building Overseas:

• For people participating in training to assist in capacity building overseas. This includes:

      • Overseas Qualification: For people undertaking structured workplace-based training as part of their qualification from an overseas educational institution.
      • Government Support: For people undertaking a training program supported by a government agency in Australia or in their home country.
      • Professional Development: For professionals, managers, or government officials who are undergoing professional development programs with an Australian organization.

Eligibility Requirements:

The applicant must be sponsored by an approved temporary activities sponsor (such as an Australian organization or government agency).

The applicant’s sponsor must nominate them for an approved training program unless the sponsor is a Commonwealth government agency.

The applicant must have the relevant skills, qualifications, and experience to undertake the training.

The applicant may need to demonstrate English proficiency, depending on the training program.

The applicant must genuinely intend to stay in Australia temporarily for the purpose of the training.

The applicant must meet health and character requirements.

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Visa Duration:

  • The Subclass 407 visa is usually granted for up to 2 years, depending on the length of the training program.


• This visa allows the holder to stay in Australia temporarily while participating in workplace-based training or professional development.

• The visa holder can include eligible family members in their application.

• This visa provides an opportunity to enhance skills and experience, which may contribute to career advancement either in Australia or in the applicant’s home country.

The Subclass 407 visa is ideal for those who want to improve their skills and qualifications through practical experience and training in Australia.